The Sault Campus Gatherings and the main offices of The Summit are located at 424 Second Line East in Sault Ste. Marie.
You can view a map and see our full address here on our contact page.
The Echo Bay Campus Gatherings are located at 292 Maple Leaf Rd West in Echo Bay.
You can view a map and see our full address here on our contact page.
We have no expectations for attire. Please come dressed in something that makes you feel comfortable. Unless you wear a tux or designer gown, you won’t stand out!
At the Sault Campus, we have classes/services for all ages from babies all the way to grade 6. We do have our school-age children stay with us in our gathering until they are dismissed after a few songs. We believe in a blended family worship time, and it’s important for our kids to be a part of our worship service.
At the Echo Bay Campus, we have a combination of class time & craft and lesson bags for kids to complete during the teaching time of our gathering. We believe in a blended family worship time, and it’s important for our kids to be a part of our worship service.
The Summit has a fully incorporated Abuse Prevention Policy. All of our staff & children’s leaders have passed a criminal background check and have received the required training from our trained staff.
At our Sunday gatherings, you’ll experience a casual atmosphere, excellent live music & worship that focuses on Jesus, and relevant and practical teaching from the Bible.
At the Sault Campus, your children stay in the service for the first few songs to experience the family worship time, then go to their classes during the break.
We don’t center-out our visitors during the service, nor do we expect you to give any money. We don’t pass an offering plate but have a designated area to give financially if you ever choose to do so.
Don’t feel like you have to rush out at the end of the service. We’d like to get to know you! Grab a coffee and connect with us.